The april fool’s day party 2008 is here!! IT’S THE BEST PARTAAAY EVER!!
Make sure not to miss it! 

The free item is the red propeller cap, an old item. It is located at the Ski Lodge

The other free item is the swirly glasses! They look cool!
They are located at the cove:

The free pin is at the mine, and it is a crayon. You must join all of the dots and the pin will appear:

If you wave, your puffle will play:

If you throw a snowball to the right, you will take a bath:

Now, I’ll tell you all of the secrets of the april fools party:

2. You have SUPER SPEED at the Dock!! It’s so kewl!!

It’s the best room

3. You can walk on walls at the Dojo, cuz it’s paper! And everyone knows that paper is flat

- 6. The forest is upside-down:

8. The telescope at the beacon is like a kaleidoscope:

11. There is a bath tub at teh boiler room. Wait for the timer to go off, and a jack-in-a-box will appear with an april fools sign:

12. There is a new game at the Dance Lounge! It’s called ThinIceTroBarrier! It’s basically astro barrier with a puffle:

Here’s a small animation of the 1st level:

13. If you move your cursor over the balloons at the Plaza, they will pop

14. If you move your cursor over any sign, it will spin:

15. The iceberg is a cup with icecubes:
16. At the ski village, if you move your cursor over the mountain nearest to the ski lodge, ALL of the mountains will open and an april fools banner will pop out:

There is a special event at the test servers that will go on until monday! You can be a green puffle!! YOU CAN EVEN WEAR CLOTHES!! It’s awesome! If you dance, your puffle-which means YOU- will fly: