Funny Pics
Welcome to Funny Pics where you can see a cool selection of Funny Pictures that me and other people made. Enjoy!!
(He’s been playing the PSP for too long)
CP Pictures
Here are some edits and funny pictures that I made of Club Penguin. Click the small ones to make them bigger.
<< Rockhopper got hit by a tornado!
<< I don’t know what to call it
<<Thin Ice Super Secret Levels
<<Drowning Penguin
<<Rocckhopper Committed Suicide

Things in the wrong room:
(Click them to it full size)
Breaking the laws of physics make puffles very tired. |
The Keeper suddenly dislikes the Night Club! |
2. Server action respect paintboy100 & Antras (fake)
3. A pic of Antras who has the future pin PLAYSTATION3!!!!(FAKE)
4. Sir Antras is lonely (again)
5. a pic made by -4thjfrl9- keep the good work
6. Santa Antras came for christmas with gifts.
PSSST!Santa Antras is working for CIA.
7. Antras is now a phicologist (help by Willzofreeze)
8. Antras plays dangerous games
9. Antras is a good policeman of club penguin! Special thanx to (Alex49sw10)
10. Antras tries his new banned clothes (FAKE)
11. Prank???
OMG! You can now sled in your igloo!
Oh! I caught the big fish!
I don’t believe Tom likes his lunch.
Fort57 became a moderator!. Why didn’t I knew before?
Texas is also a moderator!
Where do you get that wig?.
Mario uses his new weapon of Super Mario Bros in my penguin!
Ok, who became Spongebob a penguin. Disney???
This is why I love Club Penguin. Everyone makes fireworks for me! (EGO ALERT)
I’m old. People says that the penguins die in 34000 days. I will have to prepare it everything for the “day”. jk ;)
So, moderators?
Kick me!. Literally…
Ninja Family?. Why didn’t change his name to “Hacker family”?. The ninja clothing does not come yet!
Mickey Mouse made his own Halloween picture!. Lol
Well, I am known as the “The Grim Penguin” in Halloween. Because I “stole” the soul of the blog and some pages “died”.
I was there for 9 days and nothing!
I saw a polar bear… and I will scare with you…
A comet is coming…
That looks as a big star coming to CP!
WOW! Zed has a brother, Ted!.
Well, he is a penguin, not a human that can eat until 5 and a middle cakes.
Happy Halloween! From
Rockhopper came!
Uuuhhh… This is my true beta hat. I didn’t steal ALI’s beta hat or something. REALLY!
I had like 1.384.852 medals in that camp.
Little Blizzard’s Ugly Zombie Body
I was stolen! At least, I have my backpack, red cap, blue sneakers, sunglasses and a hockey stick.
If you are 13 years old, have a smart mind and you don’t watch Barney, this is the picture I used for the third elimination of Fylliper and Bigmonkey123’s Penguin Choice Awards!. My picture had 37/40!
I finally met Imbobot!. I asked to be my buddy and he said No, so I hacked him. jk
Where’s the fire?
The green penguin is jealous of the pink penguin
Snow castle: Summer 2006. Not so good. :(
I believe Hydro-Hopper is more dangerous than Ballistic Biscuit
This edit was made on January 2007. That is old!
Beware with sledding! (click to enlarge)
Burger Peng!
Jimmy, the Picture, is watching us…
There is a bomb…in the forest!
Back to 2007…Then, Tom will come back with hackers, daters, evil n00bs and evil armies. In my opinion, I don’t come back anymore.
And the future is really cool…
It’s perfect for a poster advertising the CP halloween party.
The Octopus in the Dojo! (from summer party)
I am planning on putting a bomb in the plaza. This will ruin the plans of Club Penguin to make a theater.
Which is the true Tom Yellow?
He is SandPa, my penguin uncle that loves sand. (click to enlarge)
Stupid Strangler…
Well, he was hungry…
D’oh! That RFS!
Penguin’s Art (Click to see the animation in Art Pad, make it fast)
Homer Penguin Simpson!
CAUTION: AVALANCHE (From Mikepain911)
Nobody will find Tom here…
A snowcat!
These are pictures of my underwater party in my last day of membership!. That was a success!.
My lollypop is destroyed!
Alien Puffle Photographic Proof!
Tom is tired of his school (This was originally an animation but I changed it)
My custom newspaper!
Oh! That’s bad!
A clapper board!
You have already heard…
For some people, this is 1337…
The Talking Flower!
Yahoo! I destroyed the forest!
But in the construction, the map have been scrambled…
But the giant monster of Tom Yellow eaten it!
Second Highest CP hack ever!. Later of this “incredible” hack, the CP forums chose a new server for the forumers. Anyways, some of the forumers goes to Frozen. :)
Once, a hacker had the upcoming item of the fall fair: the lollypop. Interesting…
Wow! There is not anyone in the USA servers! They are watching my newest short of Tom’s Cold Adventures.
The talking rock!
Freddie’s Coming at every half hour
UFO’s photographic proof. I believe this is from Puffle aliens!
I don’t believe this could fly!
By my horrible luck, the theater was destroyed.
Feeding my puffle in the plaza, the new style.
Spaced Out!
Bulc Niugnep! Penguinized
Connecting to…your ban!
I buy Google for 3 dollars! Now, I made the Google of the future!
OMG! This ghost is from Mexico!
He doesn’t go to my site!. This is what he deserves!
OMG! I was robbed!
Club Penguin VS Runescape! Who will win?
Wild West Funny Picture 1
Wild West Funny Picture 2
Nobody likes to hear a cowboy song for the second time!
Ouch! That hurts!
Different bad haircuts by Tom Yellow
Me making the newspaper dance!
Astro Barrier Mouth!
In my opinion, I say No.
Nobody will find me here! (cowboy edition)
Sorry, but I was thirsty.
“You’re” Here (This picture is from 30/01/07)
A Tour (This picture is from 30/01/07)
Tom Yellow meets Disney! :o
This will take a few hours to begin to move (click to enlarge).
Remember! Copyright!
Mmm… No Comments
They are only fish!
He doesn’t have food but that puck…
Help him… He can’t swim…
I found gold!
Too High and dangerous for younger fifty days!
CP pop?
Z0mg! Oops!
Is there an elevator here?
Rockhopper is eating candy pizza???
AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! (sorry for the “BIG” scream)
Is this the Rockhopper Island?
This is the end of TomY’s life. If it not were for the hackers, daters in Club Penguin and everyone hate him, he would be happy and optimistic. P.S: This picture will happen on 2097.
I’m the king of this castle!
Club Penguin’s official turkey 2007 - Made by TomY
24 - At the Club Penguin style
Look at me! I am your father!
TomY in furniture language!
An army of TomYs!. See them in war!
Too short to come here. Sorry.
The fish is DEAD!
I’m a monster! (a glitch)
Another famous celebrity in Club Penguin: Bugs Penguin!
Tom’s HQ
G’s newest invention: Imbobot!
Not very good, not very bad This picture was the first picture I used in the PCA. I had 22/40. At least, I had a high score at the next try.
Mission 5 Scrapbook!. With funny pictures!
Part of Walt Disney Company??? Who is the joker that wrote that???
Gift Shop in the town???
Hey, everyone!. Tom is becoming crazy! :mrgreen:
Tom Yellow’s Show…Sounds cool!
I’m a monster 2!
The light burns the eyes!. Even with funny eye glasses :!:
It’s not anything about advertising Coca-Cola to another planets in the solar system or something, I swear!
…Then don’t play it!
This can be the end of CP! I hope not
He can’t swim - Part 2
Winter Lord! With pool included!
Someone robbed Rockhopper!. Is that true, Yarr?
He can’t swim - 3rd part. He finally learns to swim
z0mg! :o :o :o :o
Oh my… (DON’T SAY IT, DON’T SAY IT) No, Again!
I believe they are trying to tip the iceberg. I almost said that you can’t tip the iceberg, but I decided to sit to see them.
I believe my puffle does not like fast food.
Did you remember the starfish that Tom met in the beach?. Now, the starfish and wants to kill Tom.
Tom Yellow rules Hollywood! And changed the sign.
TomY: the new and most successful chocolate bar in Club Penguin!
Tom Yellow is the most wanted criminal in West!
Tom O’s! The favorite cereal of the kids and teens! And aliens!
2 tickets for Tom Yellow: The Movie, please!
The Tom Yellow’s Keyboard!.
TWEEBEEEE! Technical dificulties!
Yeah! The fall fair music was a bit annoying!
There is so many pizzas to eat!
Guess what… Snow is not delicious!
Really… it isn’t easy to be green!
This doesn’t make sense with the previous page: here costs 100 coins but in the other one, 1,000,000 coins.
Everyone are crowding me… So, I had to climb here, with no good results.
There is a weird thing with the clock tower!
I’m a monster 3! (this one is an edit)
The starfish is back! As one of TomY’s pins!
Tom Yellow’s site being destroyed! Click to enlarge!
My penguin is again sledding in other place
My penguin is burnt. Now, he is red, not yellow.
I’m with cool! (ego alert).
I decided to quit Club Penguin and go to Rockhopper’s Island
The electricity is dangerous!
My penguin can’t get the book!
But a group of good friends helped me!
Meh puffles quit meh igloo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Nobody iz meh buddy!!!!!!!!!!1
Features available for puffles!
I made the Soda and Mentos experiment in Club Penguin! And now, I must clean the pool or I will be banned!
My buddy is a ghost!
My penguin walking!
One of meh penguins is even more important than you!
Use your imagination: I’m a cat in a tree!
Tom is hypnotized!
Pssshhh! Meh powers iz secret!
My Rockhopper picture I submitted to the CP newspaper! Not the best drawing. :p
A penguin kid with his mother. The kid doesn’t want to take a photo with me! Santa Yellow!
When will TomY find out that “his friend” is a snowman?…
Santa Yellow stole the Santa’s sled. Now, he is going to North Pole and destroy Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer!
My best tree
I died and I don’t have a “option”!
Remember, not related with blue!
Toi Yeing Lo: No Penguins Allowed
A penguin (Vital Viper) destroying a Komodo Dragon (RFS)
I won the lottery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The snowman stole my hat!
In my opinion, I say Yes
Now, the other snowman stole my hat.
But now, the other snowman stole my penguin.
That is true, you had to close the ski lodge for a few days to put the tree!
Aunt Arctic is mad with Santa!
Who threw that fish? It smells really bad!
<> <> <> <>
This is everything!
Don’t copy anything without permission from me!
More pics coming soon!!