Hey guys. I have the location of all the eggs for the club penguin Easter egg hunt plus some extra secrets. I will have picture examples so everyone knows exactly where to look. Here it goes.
You can find the first egg at the lantern in the mine.
The second egg is at the Dock on the boards.
The third is at the pet shop in a cage.
The fourth is at the book room on the top shelve discuised as a cactus.
The fifth egg is in the gift shop on the poster in the right.
Next, you can find the sixth in the box in the lodge attic by scrolling over it.
Finnally, the coolest and hardest egg to find is at the dojo. This is the ninja secret Rsnail was talking about. It will move from wall to wall, so watch out!
The free item is, as guessed, the green bunny ears. You have to collect all 7 Easter eggs to claim your prize.
Here’s what it should look like when you’ve completed the hunt.
I think this hunt was much better than last years, considering I missed last years party.