I just wanted to thank all you visitors who visit my site for all the news, latest pins, events, secrets and more. You are probably aware that this is a “Wordpress” website. Well sometime in 2008 it is going to be a complete new site that is nothing to do with Wordpress. It will be designed by me, it will be way better and cooler with a whole new look. It will be called Club Penguin and will update about all cool things ! There will be updates nearly every day, loads more parties (On Club Penguin ), cool stuff and more!! Thank you all for joining me all the way!! I am doing this because my site is growing with more people coming everyday. But remember, keep coming here until I announce my new site soon. Thanks for your attention! 
My new site is well underway and will be ready real soon! It will update about Club Penguion you will be able to chat with other people, plus there will be a comic zone showing you the newest comics available plus some of your own comics could be displayed! Although it is not complete yet, I do have the logo